Lots of us aren’t even sure how to pronounce boccia (it rhymes with gotcha!), but it’s one of the fastest-growing disability sports.
So how do you play boccia?
Players are in a seated position as they throw, roll or kick coloured balls as close as possible to a white target ball – the jack.
Testing muscle control, strategy and accuracy, players can compete as individuals, pairs or a team of three. Each side has six balls and tries to score points.
Boccia demands precision and control. The balls are different weights and designed to do different jobs – one might roll carefully, while another might destroy the court set-up.
Can Anyone Play Boccia?
Anyone can play boccia – it’s been called the most inclusive sport in the world – non-disabled people can compete alongside people with disabilities. Players who can’t throw, or kick a ball, can use a ramp and an assistant. Players can also wear a head pointer to propel the ball.
Boccia was devised for people with cerebral palsy, but has developed to include many other conditions. One player, with muscular dystrophy, says the training and playing has stabilised her condition. Another with Duchenne muscular dystrophy, says it keeps him active and fit and helps his mental wellbeing. Plus the sociable side of the game boosts confidence and self-esteem.
SPARKS Boccia Club
Boccia Club launches on Tuesday 20 February at The Wingate Centre. If you would like more details please contact gym@thewingatecentre.co.uk or call us on 01270 780456.
Learn new skills, make new friends and get fit while having fun. Book your place and join us: 10-11am every Tuesday!